Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tap Into Life

Rivers flow, clouds float, birds sail, trees bend, but what about us-what do we do? We are a part of nature, we sail thru our days, we flow thru adversity, and we even float around trials and tribulations shunning pain at all costs.

 But sometimes life snags us in its web, we are stuck, we cannot move, we cannot think, the spider web of life is coming closer.

But wait, we do have a brain; we have a soul-use it! We have freewill-exercise it. Tap into those resources that God gave you, brush them off and put them to good use. That is what they are there for.

Then we can break free of the hold and get back to the flowing, floating, bending, and sailing life once again.

Bear Lake Rocky Mountain State Park

Estes Park Cabin

Bear Lake

Trail around Bear Lake

Cabin at Estes Park

View from behind cabin

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Falling Into Autumn

This weekend, fall came crashing through nature’s front door in its quest to be seen and felt. Friday night the trees were bent over double from the fierce winds, while leaves flew around like they were trying desperately to escape the tempest. In the aftermath, branches, fallen debris and assorted other fallen abrasions were littered on the carpeted grass. Temperatures were diminished much to the delight of hot Texas residents, and excitement escalated all thru this Longhorn area. Everyone was clambering to pull out sweaters and to do the happy dance of autumn. Goodbye hot summer, I won’t miss you at all.

Farmer's Market thru bridge

Sunlight and shadows

Serenity and quiet

Colorful playground

Bright green and blue

Quaint train station from yesteryear

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Search Is On

Sometimes in life we are just trucking along, minding our own business, when out of the blue we are sent a huge curve ball that knocks our socks off. We try to get back up and brush off the dust, only to discover our legs are so wobbly from the fall. As we try to get back to that place we originally were, that was so at ease and familiar, we discern to our chagrin, that secure location is no longer obtainable. So we go about struggling for a new safe spot but alas, we get misplaced along the way. We’re in the deep, daunting woods without a compass and it is getting dark. We hear frightening sounds, how did we get so lost?  But somewhere out there is a path that will lead to brightness and warmth, bliss and security, away from the cold prickles. It is there, close by, beckoning for us to pursue as it will guide us to a beautiful, captivating spot. Keep looking, it is there, keep searching, it is waiting.

Fort Worth Botanical Gardens

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Rhythm of Summer

I believe that the most mundane afternoon can be changed into an extraordinary one by something simple such as a bright blue sky, plus massive, billowy, cotton clouds on a scorching, summer day.  The formula would be as follows: 1 Slip & Slide, 1 water hose, + 2 excited little children=an explosion of energy and giggles. Tuning into the rhythm of water splatters and hilarity, it is easy to see how this afternoon can completely morph into something therefore, spectular.

Given an opportunity, any day will passionately be honored to take your breath away by its simple magnificence, if you just let it. Look close and you will discover its majesty, such as a spider’s web glistening in the rays of sun, or the minute caterpillar struggling to inch its way up the extensive vine. Another day unfolds ready to bestow enchanted takes of nature.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summertime and the Living Is Easy

June is slowly sliding off the radar map never to be heard from again. That makes me so sad because June is my very favorite month. First month of summer vacation, weather not too awful yet, pretty, crisp, blue skies that makes me think of sailboats, sand and homemade ice cream. I am so aware of time incessantly; in the summer how swiftly it’s dashing away, while the rest of the year, how unhurriedly it passes by, and how little energy I have on reserve. Yet I have boundless energy in the summer.

Because I love art, my world is opened up in the summer. The last 2 days I designed 39 greeting cards, not because it was a marathon but because I just could not quit. I am infatuated with creating art, all kinds of art, it is my obsession. Drawing, painting, blogging, photography, cardmaking, etc. all make me jump blissfully out of bed. So continue on summer, I am right behind you.

Birthday, Baby Cards

Valentine Card

Valentine Assortment


Organized Mess

From My Sketch Journal

Monday, June 11, 2012

Only One Flower

It's June 11 already! Where does the time go? I have such a huge long list of accomplishments and projects to get done in 3 short months. In fact I have numerous projects going on at once, and while my beloved photography is not even in the picture, I am catching up reading all my photography manuals and learning so many different procedures from the professionals. Soon it is going to be so hot, before I can get outdoors; my camera will be in fry mode. And I hate taking indoor photos, just can’t get the indoor light correct. UGH!

The clock is ticking, projects are calling my name-always, and even more are bidding for my attention. I vote for school to be out for four months, maybe even possibly five. Then I could get it all done, I just know I could.

These photos are taken at the Dallas Arboretum-are you wishing I would please go somewhere else for a change? So sorry, I only have one flower in my front flower bed.

I have this thing for park benches

This is an older photo

Love these frogs

These flower centers look like buttons

Love these water walls

Sunday, May 27, 2012

School's Out, Spirit's Free At Last

School’s out, for me anyway. Now I have time to stretch my creative spirit beyond where it has been before. To let it out of it’s cage and let it wander just to see what it comes up with that is out of the ordinary. It has been a struggle to find the time to blog because something else always desperately needed my attention, or at least I thought that was the issue. But no excuses now, I am free, and plan to take my camera out on dates as much as possible so I will always have fresh material to use to yap about. One thing I am really fascinated in is quotes, love them and how they apply to your life if you let them. So I took some favorite quotes to put with my favorite photos. I think an excellent match.
So here are arrangements of sunflowers dressed up in their Sunday best= quotes.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our Heros

Mother’s Day is such an extraordinary day. We pay tribute to our mothers who gave us existence, who lifted us up when we were down, kissed our hurts, and dried our tears. Made us believe we could soar if only we tried. Believed in us when no one else did. Thought we were the greatest things that ever walked this earth. Our own one person cheering squad that always cheered the loudest and knew we would always win at whatever we did. They were on our side, whispering in our ears “Try…try harder….make it materialize!” They sacrificed everything so that we could be anything. That unconditional love was always there, the valiant tiger that could rip apart anyone or anything that dared to cause us pain or unhappiness. They enthused, they motivated, they inspired, and they stirred our passions with their wooden spoon of life. They made us feel 10 feet tall and could slay dragons. Our mothers, our heros.

Baby goosling and duckling


Chad taking in the beauty of his land

Late afternoon sun

Look closely, you will see Troy hiding

Sun casting warm glow on tree

More reflections