Sunday, September 1, 2013


Saw this bumper sticker last week and I reflected on it all the way to work, pondering its meaning. How does it speak to you, what does it whisper about you? To me it means to try and always see the positive side don’t take everything so glumly in life, look for the thrills-they’re out there somewhere.  Be a kinder, gentler, softer person. Love more, laugh much, and unearth ways to be carefree. Don’t gnaw people’s heads off, see their side of life, and wallow in their reasoning a bit and find understanding in your heart. Walk in the rain with your face turned upward towards the wet stuff catching gentle kisses from the sky, take more naps, sing, and watch silly movies. Try to show people you care, smile at strangers.

Now, if only I could follow my own advice I’d be in a happier place.

These are pictures I took of Chad and Kelley's horse 7 years ago.

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