Saturday, August 17, 2013

Goodbye Summer 2013

This summer, my entire family traveled together to Durango, CO. Traveling together on the highway, stopping at rest stops along the way was the most fun way of making a long trip, shorter. We all stayed under one roof, which added even more fun. Sitting in front of the fire at night after putting the kids to bed, everyone in the kitchen at once cooking meals together, sitting outside on the second story deck, submerged in nature, walking down to the lake with fishing poles catching fish or sliding across in canoes, exploring nearby towns, and just hanging out together made for the most wonderful and exciting vacation. Below are shots of the tiny, quaint town of Silverton, home of the Silverton Durango Railroad. Such a neat place to go explore.

Simmering summer with its high heat and laid back ways invites you to slow down and savor all it has to offer. Backyard barbecues with family and friends you haven’t seen in forever, baseball fever, hot dogs and popcorn at the games, swimming, fireworks, ice cream and anything cold. The circus comes to town in the summer filled to capacity with excitement, acknowledging summer sizzle with clowns chasing it away with frolicking laughter and capers. Enchanting musicals bid for your attention, as well as plays and other entertainment arriving to perform under the summer stars bringing enigmatic feelings of days past. To me, this is the time to move with dawdling determination to not get in a hurry; the entire summer lays at your feet. So much to see, do and experience. Dip your senses into the sights, smells, sounds and feels of summer around you. But be quick, as it runs across the calendar like a gazelle on a mission. The splendor of dazzling days and sunny spirits is dimming before your eyes; the long days vanishing quick as a wink to be replaced with autumn’s promise of shorter days. Then all too soon, school is back in session, we teachers return back indoors to our classrooms to start the year new. How I miss those languid, summer days and how quickly they fade away, harrowing heat is but a distant delusion. Nine more months til the fun starts all over again.'


  1. Mary, I really enjoyed viewing your blog! It has been a long journey from our days at FPHS! You are as pretty as ever and I really enjoy your writing style. It seems to breath a bit of life into the trip as if I were there. Keep it up!
    Mike Green

  2. Thanks Mike. I appreciate your kinds words.

  3. Hi Mary, Love your pictures and notes that you have posted here. I too love taking pictures. I found your blog thur Mike Green. I especially love the magnolia flower you posted and would like to print it off if you don't mind, of course your name is on it. Hope you're doing good and have a good school year.
    Kathy Burnette

    1. Thanks, Kathy. Of course you can print my flower.

  4. Wilfred (Mike) SmithAugust 18, 2013 at 1:42 PM

    Hello Mary. Like you, I have been immersed in photography for many years now. Also, as evident in looking over you blog and many images, I am loving my grandchildren too. Nice to hear about old class mates from time to time. Pleased that your "dash" is bountiful. Good visiting with you.
    Mike Smith

  5. Hi Mike, Glad you also like photography. Such a popular hobby. Grandkids are just the best. Thanks for your comments.
