Wednesday, February 22, 2012


What makes your soul ignite with pleasure? Is it a meal shared together and laughing with sheer joy with dear friends, or being with someone special that no conversation is necessary, maybe praise from a person in your life that you greatly admire, perhaps the unconditional love from a child that brings gratification beyond belief, even a simple smile from a complete stranger when the world seems glum.

These simple acts of everyday life are what propels us into a world that's larger than ourselves. The warm glow that hangs around to jet us over the bumps and hurdles of our otherwise, mundane existence.

Look for these tiny snippets and hold fast to them close to your heart. Don't ever take them for granted because they are there for a reason.

These are a few snippets left over from a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
Trail around Bear Lake

Bear Lake

Early Morning Sun

View From Our Cabin Porch

Inside the Park

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Touch of Nature

Outside my back door is a world of beauty, the deep ultra marine blue of the sky with brilliant white clouds, the emerald green of plants and grass, and the turquoise green waters sparkling in the sun. A place to go to let the world's troubles slide off your back while the warm sun kisses your soul with warmth. You can never be sad, anxious, or down when you are surrounded with nature. My 2 little Dachshunds love to sun on the warm bricks like 2 muffins baking in an oven. Soon the plants and trees will come alive with color and aromas like sweet perfumes of their blooms. I enjoyed looking at nature thru my lens this afternoon, because I know soon it will change and the bare branches will be covered once again with a cloak of brillant green. I can't  wait!

Brilliant Blue Sky

Tiny Landscape Light

Love this gorgeous plant

Red Tips

Upstairs walkway


Snickers who hates having his picture taken

Kissing? I seriously doubt it!


Sunday, February 5, 2012

God's Handiwork

My kids live about an hour from me, out in the country. I love to go visit and leave the noisy, busy city behind. Just the drive there puts you in a calm, tranquil mood. Life is slower, gentler, peaceful. Bringing my camera is a must, even though I get so caught up watching the kids play that I forget to bring it out. But once I do, I am so lost in the beauty I see thru my lens. I get so excited that I want to take shot after shot and can't seem stop. I forget everything else around me, so focused on what I am seeing digitally. God's handiwork is all around, so beautiful, so lovely and all we have to do is look...

Late afternoon sun

 Majestic trees
 Up close and personal to this tiny flower
 Cutest baby on the planet
I love how the light makes a path thru the trees