Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tap Into Life

Rivers flow, clouds float, birds sail, trees bend, but what about us-what do we do? We are a part of nature, we sail thru our days, we flow thru adversity, and we even float around trials and tribulations shunning pain at all costs.

 But sometimes life snags us in its web, we are stuck, we cannot move, we cannot think, the spider web of life is coming closer.

But wait, we do have a brain; we have a soul-use it! We have freewill-exercise it. Tap into those resources that God gave you, brush them off and put them to good use. That is what they are there for.

Then we can break free of the hold and get back to the flowing, floating, bending, and sailing life once again.

Bear Lake Rocky Mountain State Park

Estes Park Cabin

Bear Lake

Trail around Bear Lake

Cabin at Estes Park

View from behind cabin