Sunday, April 15, 2012

Today was the perfect Sunday morning for me. The gentle rain was softly covering the earth with a much needed drink to quench the hard ground’s thirst. I love listening to the soothing pitter pats on the roof and windows. It sounds like it is saying “Be still, be calm, and be at peace.” I feel the tensions of the week begin to slide away. Silly things that don’t matter or need my attention have no place. Nature is always telling us important matters that tend to make our lives easier and exciting, but we are too busy being lost in time of yesterday’s troubles to listen. God provides the rain, the birds that sing us awake each day, the warmth of the sun that shakes us alive emotionally as well as physically-chasing away the blues, if we just let it. The breeze that blows away the dust from our sadness, the thunder and lightning that commands our attention to the present, not days past.  If we just pay attention, we discover, with astonishment, that we have everything we need. It’s the not paying attention that steers us off course. Get out of your own way and let peace and joy reign. Make it queen for the day of happiness. (This is from the post I made in my journal today, thought I would share)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Great Combo

What is family, who are they and why are they so important in our lives? Mine are all so very close to my heart. I hold them dear to my soul as they are a part of me-cementing us together by our blood. We share history, joys, sorrows, love, thrills, and happiness. We walk together down live's path, changing each year, realizing how much we mean to each other the older we get.

But families come in so many shapes and sizes. They can be close friends, distant friends, two legged or four legged, etc. Just as long as they have a place in our hearts and soul, then the ribbons of life tie you together as one unity. They are there for you, they've got your back, you've got theirs. Holidays tend to bring these families together, Easter being just such a holiday. Families, holidays, and Easter-GREAT COMBO!!!

I tend to write these blogs thru life experiences, yesterday being Easter and my family was here visiting. I realized how lucky I was to be surrounded by family and what a privilege it is to have such a wonderful, loving family, including the 4 legged variety.

Such a blue, blue sky

Am in love with these clouds

It's springtime finally

Early morning sun
